
Tag : viral

30 Sep 2015
Do it for Denmark - Do it for mom

Do It For Denmark – Do It For Mom!

The travel agency Spies Rejser have done it again. The Campaign Do it for Denmark the second version is again a mindblowing video. The blog post could stop here… though I would like to add a few words to why I think so. The concept and idea is brilliant. Using few simple facts in order to get the “proof of concept” and then adding lots of humor and a sensible topic – sex – Last year around March 2014 Spies made […]

09 Jun 2011
The Pool The Full Story

The Pool! A wonderful story!

I have been watching this video many times by now! I must say I´m a hugh fan of the trending video style with blurry pictures and the use of all kind of effects to spice up the story! Fast forward effects, slow motion etc. The idea about The Pool is fantastic! I would love to work with a project like that! Check out the video, enjoy the beautiful pictures and the very skillful guys participating! Editet 13.Okt.2015: The origanal video was removed, for some […]

05 May 2011
Two dogs Dining at a restuarant! viral video

Two dogs Dining in a Restaurant! New viral!

I just got introduced to this fantastic little movie about two dogs waiting patiently for food at a restaurant. It´s amazingly funny and I must say I was surprised that it wasn’t a comercial for something! The dogs are really well trained and the actors behind them are acting significantly well! Again it’s fantastic to see how videos can spread around the web so quickly! I can say no more than – Watch it! 🙂 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwlMVYqMu4]

15 Apr 2011

Alternative football

I have been wanting to try this out for a long time! And then I see that Faxe Kondi has done it as a comercial. I love how the flow of the game changes when you tale away one of our senses. Check out this video which i believe is running on tv.. but as i don´t have a Tv i wouldn’t know.. I just can’t understand that only 180 people have seen it…. ? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa7PeCv8Zd0]

31 Mar 2011
Vollsmose anmelder Alex Ahrendtsen for racisme-video

Alex Ahrendtsen A good example of bad communication

The other day I got a tweet from @kaaresorensen a journalist from JP. It was a about a new “election” video in favor for Alex Ahrendtsen from the right winged Danish Folk party. The video is pretty much everything I am against and I had my doubts if I should post it on my blog or not… I came to the conclusion with my self, that I would rather help spreading the word of “how bad” it is, rather than just leaving it […]

23 Mar 2011
hot lady in a chair

If you cant sell it – add SEX.

Isn´t that one of the first rules of advertisement? That´s at least what these guys did! I am not sure how much more they sell.. but for sure they get attention around it! it got me to watch the video at least… maybe be course it was recommended to me or maybe be course of the action…? Any way if it´s a viral storm or not, it got me laughing! 🙂 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9LBQZ3nxCU&feature=player_embedded] I found the video and photos on the Bandit […]

15 Oct 2009

Flash mob in Copenhagen by Kadaver

For a long time the foursome of Kaospilots, Kadaver, have been dreaming about Combining business with the good cause. A phenomena that is also referred to as Social Innovation. Last friday October 9th. on the Danish “culture night” Kadaver kicked of a Flash mob at “rådhuspladsen” – the municipality square. The Flash mob was an act for climate change; Do you want to sunbathe in October in the future? The Hopenhagen campaign encourage people to sign the UN climate petition […]