
Category : Football

19 Jul 2011
Hummel tournament streaker Arriva, football, Csr

Hummel, csr, Roskilde Festival, Inshallah Express and a streaker

During this year Roskilde Festival 2011, Hummel had arranged a football tournament to support the woman’s national football team in Afghanistan.  It was beautiful to see how different teams participated to support the noble cause, and there was a lot activity. The rules for the participation was: all teams had to be dressed up only girls allowed to play The money from the tournament where to sponsor a buss for the national woman’s team in Afghanistan to transport them between matches and training. Great […]

15 Apr 2011

Alternative football

I have been wanting to try this out for a long time! And then I see that Faxe Kondi has done it as a comercial. I love how the flow of the game changes when you tale away one of our senses. Check out this video which i believe is running on tv.. but as i don´t have a Tv i wouldn’t know.. I just can’t understand that only 180 people have seen it…. ? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa7PeCv8Zd0]

08 Feb 2011

Superbowl 45! More than sport and adds!

As so many others I too watched the Superbowl 45. I’m not a huge fan of the sport but for the last couple of years I have been seeing the show. Course a show it is. What I like about the whole arrangement is the hype! The American hype! It´s fantastic how much talk and statistics there is produced as warm up material for the game. I was as so many other just as interested in the add´s which is […]

26 Aug 2010
Fck-Rosenborg football supporter

A new era is starting

for a very long time I have been taking photos with a Sony @100 camera. I have been extremely happy to learn about digital photography with that camera! The quality of the pictures really took shape when I made the investment of a Sigma lince going to f 1:2,8. How ever I have wanted to upgrade my equipment both in order to get higher quality of my pictures and also, read mainly, get back into a practice mode in order […]

18 May 2009

FCK – Brøndby 4-0

After a crazy experience watching the local fight between FC København and Brøndby where FCK overrulled with a score on 4-0. A lot of haterad found place between the supporters, and here is a photo seen fra the FCK support scare towards the BIF ultras. They do not like each others. I found it interesting to be in a crowed expressing so much rage towards people they don´t even know.  honestly they could be working together side by side in […]