For a long time the foursome of Kaospilots, Kadaver, have been dreaming about Combining business with the good cause. A phenomena that is also referred to as Social Innovation. Last friday October 9th. on the Danish “culture night” Kadaver kicked of a Flash mob at “rådhuspladsen” – the municipality square. The Flash mob was an act for climate change; Do you want to sunbathe in October in the future? The Hopenhagen campaign encourage people to sign the UN climate petition […]
I have now been In Sierra Leone for a bit more than a week. I am at the moment situated at the Masanga hospital ground in the middle of the jungle. A fantastic place and a dramatic place at the same time. Life is both beautiful and terrible at the same time. It becomes very clear how much needed this hospital project is when being in the surroundings of it. Meeting the locals, seeing their kids with malnutrition and hearing […]
The day is over, I am back in my bed at my couchsurfing hosts; Alicia and Britt. The day started at 09.00 and finishes at 23.45, one out of many days here in Shanghai. After group guidence with Fanny Posselt and Simon Kavanagh we continued our production of a book containing our research. At 16.00 we had an interesting meeting with an Italien named Marco. He is at the moment making a movie about the fashion hub. A movie that […]
The debate about online interaction! Comment or not-to-comment?
There are many talks in the corners if companies should open up for a two way communication by for example having a comment thread on their blog, or an open page on facebook. I love this debate because it brings forward so many different aspects of the challenges the different companies are facing. My personal opinion is; YES it should be opened up! The question is then how you deal with it. And this is a challenge for everybody! Yesterday I came by this little […]