I’m gonna drop a bomb! – In general New Year resolutions doesn’t last longer than till Valentines day… BUUM. January ended a few days ago and I made a quick evaluation of my 2016 goals. Before I looked at the numbers I kind of had the feeling for what I would find. This sparked my ongoing debate about Goals. Are goals helping us to stay motivated or are goals destroying our motivation? For my personal part I created ambitious goals […]
So, how to set goals in the beginning of a year? After the start of 2016 I’ve been speculating about what my personal goals for the year should be and how to track and measure them. This line of thought made me consider the general aspect of having goals either on a personal level or on a professional level. Within the world of marketing and branding the KPI’s and campaign goals can be extremely fluffy or slurred within feelings and […]
If you have seen the movies or read the books… this is funny 🙂 Cersei’s respons to Leia is spot on. In these cases I just love the internet! Get more here.
Sometimes you see or read somethings that makes you either smile, laugh or think. I think I experienced all of it when I came by this fantastic little note. “If you loose one sense, your other senses are enhanced. Thant’s why people with no sense of comic have an increased sense of self-importance.” I guess you can picture a person where this statement fits very well…. At least I can.
I saw this photo somewhere in my Facebook feed and was so thrilled about the communication strategy. Actually making it possible for viewers to experience the feeling of being smashed together in a small box. Big respect to the agency behind this print!
This is great! I love this alternative way of looking at traditional marketing. Check out the video and see how there is a secret message only for kids. I think it´s a quite strong initiative.
One of the many times on twitter where you just find something that strikes you! I came by this fantastic quote by Greg Knauss or @gknauss on twitter. The job is 90% done, now lets do the other half. I think it strikes straight to the heart of an entrepreneur or anyone else who have tried to lead projects from scratch. Good luck out there – getting the other half done!
I really like this message! So simple and so straight forward. Don’t just be a zombie in the street, create you own fun. Experience what will happen if you open up and start interacting with others. Dance you way through life and have fun while living! Challenge of the month: Don’t walk. Dance!
Dave is an extremely gifted clairvoyant who finds out specific financial information. This video reveals the magic behind the magic, making people aware of the fact that their entire life can be found online. And by doing so urging everybody to be vigilant. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pYHN9iC9I&w=560&h=315] The world wide fantastic web! – Use and abuse!
I have been watching this video many times by now! I must say I´m a hugh fan of the trending video style with blurry pictures and the use of all kind of effects to spice up the story! Fast forward effects, slow motion etc. The idea about The Pool is fantastic! I would love to work with a project like that! Check out the video, enjoy the beautiful pictures and the very skillful guys participating! Editet 13.Okt.2015: The origanal video was removed, for some […]
I just got introduced to this fantastic little movie about two dogs waiting patiently for food at a restaurant. It´s amazingly funny and I must say I was surprised that it wasn’t a comercial for something! The dogs are really well trained and the actors behind them are acting significantly well! Again it’s fantastic to see how videos can spread around the web so quickly! I can say no more than – Watch it! 🙂 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwlMVYqMu4]
There are many talks in the corners if companies should open up for a two way communication by for example having a comment thread on their blog, or an open page on facebook. I love this debate because it brings forward so many different aspects of the challenges the different companies are facing. My personal opinion is; YES it should be opened up! The question is then how you deal with it. And this is a challenge for everybody! Yesterday I came by this little […]
As so many others, many hours of my day is spent online. I normally come by a lot of different things, some better than others and some messages more beautiful than others. Yesterday I came by a photo that really got my attention. I downloaded it right away, and now I can´t find it again… which mean I can’t link to the site… so to the rightful owner, I am sorry for that!
Well, here it is, it gave me a smile, as I love to take photos. 🙂
Yesterday I wrote a very serious blog post about how horrible and awful I found Alex Ahrendtsen election video campaign. And that made me think of what I really do like instead. In order to stay within the frames: integration, open boarders and video… I started looking for a video I saw along time ago! I love this video with little Sarhat from Nørrebro Copenhagen dropping knowledge to a great little beat! It´s all in danish but the boy really do have some […]
A good friend of mine, Jonas Skafte, has recently created the concept “Running for Balls“. He is basically taking action on his own to collect funding for prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Jonas is preparing to run a marathon for the cause! You can support and donate money to his charity work from his webpage www.runningforballs.com. Not only is it possible to donate money for the run, Jonas donates his own shoulder to a tatoo chosen by you. He calls it “Tattoo for […]
Checking in and checking out… I came by this extremely funny little video – Fucksquare –> Foursquare for Sex. Originally it got out through the blog laughingsquid.com but I got from facebook and my good friend Laura, who is blogging a lot of good stuff at www.laurajul.dk. Most of the time i get the hints of laura´s blog from twitter where she tweets about her newest updates with the twitter name: @laurajul. I do have a strong feeling that this […]
The expression from the culture I am from: “That´s just too much!” just don´t exist in Shanghai, China. At least it doesn´t look like it… Yesterday when I was walking towards a subway station I came by two shops in the same building, both marketing towards their customers and trying to get us/them to enter the shop. It was like a sort of competition of who could make the most red fuss and be most visible and play the loudest […]