I have been watching this video many times by now! I must say I´m a hugh fan of the trending video style with blurry pictures and the use of all kind of effects to spice up the story! Fast forward effects, slow motion etc. The idea about The Pool is fantastic! I would love to work with a project like that! Check out the video, enjoy the beautiful pictures and the very skillful guys participating! Editet 13.Okt.2015: The origanal video was removed, for some […]
Wauw! I came by this little animation about the cash flow and economical issues in the world. pretty shocking and pretty well explained. The animation movie is made by www.studiojoho.com and its an animated interview of John Perkins, author of ‘HoodWinked’ and ‘Confessions Of An Economic Hitman‘ it’s a very interesting way making a difficult subject more tangible and easy to understand. Animations and drawings are so simple that everyone understands them, further more it keeps your interest and attention […]
Checking in and checking out… I came by this extremely funny little video – Fucksquare –> Foursquare for Sex. Originally it got out through the blog laughingsquid.com but I got from facebook and my good friend Laura, who is blogging a lot of good stuff at www.laurajul.dk. Most of the time i get the hints of laura´s blog from twitter where she tweets about her newest updates with the twitter name: @laurajul. I do have a strong feeling that this […]
Yeaterday I started the Saturday evening by attending a World Cup tournament of the game Tri, here in Shanghai. Tri is a new conceptual game, “TRI”. Active yet still under development, this is an alternative, s.b.f. (strategic, ball and field game). Designed to challenge pre-conceptions about what a sport can be, TRI introduces a new set of dynamics that engage athletes and spectators from traditional sports around the globe. You can learn more about Tri here. I was introduced to […]
This saturday I went to a movie screening of Tanograd in the very cozy cinema “Øst for paradis” (east of paradis) in Århus. The screening was combined with music performance of the soundtrack plus extra improvisations. The soundtrack is made by Ghost Society who did a short and very cozy performance on stage after the movie. Borris B. Bertram who made the documentary movie talked shortly about the process of making the movie. He asked questions from the audience, which […]