My previous blogpost about DF (Danish people party) stealing the Danish national flag, generated a heavy offline debate in my mailbox. I am not going to share that here as it was sent to me personally and not shared as a comment. But I would still like to follow up on the thread, because I see no meaning in building these walls around our country and I see no meaning in fearing the unknown! I speak from my own point […]
I just got introduced to this fantastic little movie about two dogs waiting patiently for food at a restaurant. It´s amazingly funny and I must say I was surprised that it wasn’t a comercial for something! The dogs are really well trained and the actors behind them are acting significantly well! Again it’s fantastic to see how videos can spread around the web so quickly! I can say no more than – Watch it! 🙂 [youtube=]
Yesterday I wrote a very serious blog post about how horrible and awful I found Alex Ahrendtsen election video campaign. And that made me think of what I really do like instead. In order to stay within the frames: integration, open boarders and video… I started looking for a video I saw along time ago! I love this video with little Sarhat from Nørrebro Copenhagen dropping knowledge to a great little beat! It´s all in danish but the boy really do have some […]
During an assignment today at Kadaver, I had to find different videos which turns negative associations into positive. While searching and searching I came to think of the time I lived in England. I did some bar jobs while studying English and one of the advertisement that I really remembered from back then was the Guinness – Evolution. When you see this one then think back to 2005 or so, where it´s from, and imagine that you just ordered a pint of Guinness – and […]