I just came back from a wonderful hike in the south part of Sweden. We’ve decided to walk the Cost-To-Cost hike in the south part of Sweden called The Skåneleden. It´s an amazing nature part and we’ve been hiking parts of it already. Now the plan is to hike from one end to the other over time. Ambitious? yes!
So we started out in the beginning – one step at a time, starting by taking route 1 and 2 during this weekend. Next time we will go back to ending point of route two, Östafors, and continue from there.
We all share the same passion for photography which gives us a great pleasure trying to find new motives along the way.
This time a year mid February was pretty cold to sleep in the shelters. During night time we had a few degrees below zero celcius. If you are to take this hike, be aware that not all water posts are open due to the temperature. We had to knock some doors and kindly ask for cooking and drinking water.
Here are some of the photos I came home with.
Let me know if you like them. I would love some feedback.
We camped here the second night, very close to Östafors
Relaxing after 20km hike, in snow and mud.
Sunshine on the last day – great contrast to snow, rain and wind 🙂
A very beautiful valley – all very silent, one could only hear the snow and the leaves.
Östafors shelter seen from an other angle.
Walking towards Nasum, to catch a bus home.
River near Östafors
Fixing up the angle – true “The Revenant” style 🙂