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photography Archives - SorenBoSteendahl

Category : photography

12 Mar 2016

How a network can bring together 30+ powerful individuals? 

  Spending time away from the city with wonderful people, always brings a smile to the face! I´m part of a global entrepreneur network with over 1000 powerful individuals and a few weeks ago the Swedish hub arranged a retreat for the rest of the network to join. A “retreat” is basically a possibility to meet other young creative and brave souls from different parts of the world. This time The Hub in Stockholm had arranged everything. More than 30 young […]

28 Feb 2016

What to see in Copenhagen? Kastellet the pentagram fortress

Kastellet is one of the most beautiful parts of Copenhagen. Kastellet is an old fortress from back in the days, when it was tough to conquer a hill surrounded by water – holding a canon on top…  It´s a very historical place in Copenhagen, and I can’t remember if I’ve been here before or not. I’m pretty sure I have, but it’s years back. This morning I arranged a photowalk at the location around Kastellet. Basically, I got a lot […]

22 Feb 2016

Hiking The Skåneleden in Sweden 

I just came back from a wonderful hike in the south part of Sweden. We’ve decided to walk the Cost-To-Cost hike in the south part of Sweden called The Skåneleden. It´s an amazing nature part and we’ve been hiking parts of it already. Now the plan is to hike from one end to the other over time. Ambitious? yes! So we started out in the beginning – one step at a time, starting by taking route 1 and 2 during this weekend. […]

31 Jan 2016

Next Photo walk in Cph 

The previous post about our ice cold photo walk in Copenhagen got a lot of attention afterwards. I did not know that so many people would like to join in. I promised everyone to give a warning in advance next time and my plan is to have the next walk on Sunday the 28th of Feb. So about a month from now. I haven’t planed a rout, yet. And I´m totally open for suggestions. Who ever wants to join can […]

17 Jan 2016

Photowalk in Copenhagen 2016

The results from todays photowalk in Copenhagen, Christianshavn. Prior to this month Likemind meeting I posted a question in the Likemind Copenhagen Linkedin group, if anyone wanted to join for a walk around in the snow and practice some photography. I’ve previously met people at the Likemind meetings who enjoy photography and the active way of exploring the city. Luckily a few brave souls was ready to get on some warm close and take the walk. If your are curious […]

12 Jan 2016
Rock in water

How to set goals 

So, how to set goals in the beginning of a year? After the start of 2016 I’ve been speculating about what my personal goals for the year should be and how to track and measure them. This line of thought made me consider the general aspect of having goals either on a personal level or on a professional level. Within the world of marketing and branding the KPI’s and campaign goals can be extremely fluffy or slurred within feelings and […]

19 Nov 2015

Going Through Photos On The Hard Drive 

After I started using Lightroom to sort and edit my photos, I also started to rediscover some old work. Old work which never saw the light of day (on an online platform or print format). I came by this photo of center Copenhagen prior to the Metro construction which takes up most of this square (Kongens Nytorv) at the moment. It looks like the sky is on fire! Pretty dramatic in a way. And pretty metaphoric for the current political […]

16 Nov 2015

The Secret Behind Beautiful Landscape Photography 

  I literally believe that I have taken many thousand photos of landscapes during my many years of playing around photography. All those years with all that practice and still so far to go. It´s amazing how many different ways you can capture an image. How many different thoughts that can be added to the process. For the last two years, I think, Landscape photography has gotten my attention more and more. Previously I would say that the documenting part […]

09 Nov 2015

Why spending time with mother nature is crucial 

We all know the busy working day. The early alarm clock, the morning routines, work routines, food routines and sport routines. The best part of these routines is to break them. Get out of the wheel in order to recharge batteries and return with a new perspective. New Energy and a clear mind. Luckily I have some friends who value the same. From time to time we pack the bags and leave for the woods. Every time is unique and every time […]

27 Oct 2015
Brighton Seagull

The power of meeting people through photography.

While strolling around in Brighton revisiting old places and friends I experienced one of the many beautiful things about Photography. The interaction with strangers. 9 years ago I studied and worked in Brighton. I was taking a course in English, in order to shape my language skills prior to the application for the entrepreneurial education The Kaospilot.  At that time I was working behind the bar in the very charming and lovely pub, Mrs. Fitzherbert. I introduced Lisbet to the […]

28 Aug 2008

The Great Wall in China – photos

Here are some photos of the 10 km long walk on the great wall! -what a trip! what a view! and what a crazy building! Hope you enjoy the photos as much as i do!

22 Aug 2008

Chilling around at Anholt

During the Summer 2008 I stayed at the Danish Island Anholt helping out my friend with his restaurant. here are some photos of the beautiful island!