Spending time away from the city with wonderful people, always brings a smile to the face! I´m part of a global entrepreneur network with over 1000 powerful individuals and a few weeks ago the Swedish hub arranged a retreat for the rest of the network to join. A “retreat” is basically a possibility to meet other young creative and brave souls from different parts of the world. This time The Hub in Stockholm had arranged everything. More than 30 young […]
I just came back from a wonderful hike in the south part of Sweden. We’ve decided to walk the Cost-To-Cost hike in the south part of Sweden called The Skåneleden. It´s an amazing nature part and we’ve been hiking parts of it already. Now the plan is to hike from one end to the other over time. Ambitious? yes! So we started out in the beginning – one step at a time, starting by taking route 1 and 2 during this weekend. […]
The previous post about our ice cold photo walk in Copenhagen got a lot of attention afterwards. I did not know that so many people would like to join in. I promised everyone to give a warning in advance next time and my plan is to have the next walk on Sunday the 28th of Feb. So about a month from now. I haven’t planed a rout, yet. And I´m totally open for suggestions. Who ever wants to join can […]
The results from todays photowalk in Copenhagen, Christianshavn. Prior to this month Likemind meeting I posted a question in the Likemind Copenhagen Linkedin group, if anyone wanted to join for a walk around in the snow and practice some photography. I’ve previously met people at the Likemind meetings who enjoy photography and the active way of exploring the city. Luckily a few brave souls was ready to get on some warm close and take the walk. If your are curious […]
After I started using Lightroom to sort and edit my photos, I also started to rediscover some old work. Old work which never saw the light of day (on an online platform or print format). I came by this photo of center Copenhagen prior to the Metro construction which takes up most of this square (Kongens Nytorv) at the moment. It looks like the sky is on fire! Pretty dramatic in a way. And pretty metaphoric for the current political […]
I literally believe that I have taken many thousand photos of landscapes during my many years of playing around photography. All those years with all that practice and still so far to go. It´s amazing how many different ways you can capture an image. How many different thoughts that can be added to the process. For the last two years, I think, Landscape photography has gotten my attention more and more. Previously I would say that the documenting part […]
I really like this message! So simple and so straight forward. Don’t just be a zombie in the street, create you own fun. Experience what will happen if you open up and start interacting with others. Dance you way through life and have fun while living! Challenge of the month: Don’t walk. Dance!
For some time ago a very interesting venue opened in Copenhagen. Dansekappelet. It’s basically an old crematorium which has been rebuild into a very interesting dance studio. You can check out more here at their website: www.dansekapellet.dk The surroundings are quite amazing and I can strongly encourage you to go and check it out if you have the chance. Just before christmas I went to see my girlfriend Lisbet Kokholm Nør do a performance which is a part of a […]
I nearly feel obligated to write this blog after I wrote my previous blog post about Shepard Fairey. So much has happened around the art exhibition in V1 and the creation / destruction of a mural at Jagtvej 69 originally by Shepard Fairey. I am not going to give the whole story from A-B as that is already written here: Copenhagen Post 2 (Bad) by S. Fairey him self. Of course with his viewpoint, which I quite like and support. Personally I live just […]
During this year Roskilde Festival 2011, Hummel had arranged a football tournament to support the woman’s national football team in Afghanistan. It was beautiful to see how different teams participated to support the noble cause, and there was a lot activity. The rules for the participation was: all teams had to be dressed up only girls allowed to play The money from the tournament where to sponsor a buss for the national woman’s team in Afghanistan to transport them between matches and training. Great […]
Every year my family on my mothers side gathers to enjoy a picnic during the Danish “Grundlovsdag” (Constitution Day). This year I was lucky to have my camera with me and I managed to get some photos. I have uploaded some of them to a badge on flickr, but I wanted to make a blogpost about this specific photo right here. It has the Danish flag in the background and it stroke me how much I automatically associate that setting with The Danish Folk Party […]
As so many others, many hours of my day is spent online. I normally come by a lot of different things, some better than others and some messages more beautiful than others. Yesterday I came by a photo that really got my attention. I downloaded it right away, and now I can´t find it again… which mean I can’t link to the site… so to the rightful owner, I am sorry for that!
Well, here it is, it gave me a smile, as I love to take photos. 🙂
I have been without a bike for a very long time! – some people would say too long..! Now however i finally got my self together to invest in a bike. I found a pretty good one for a cheap price and then came the next question. Which lock should I get? probably the most important choice if you don´t want the bike stolen… And believe it or not but there is a lot of bikes being stolen in Copenhagen! […]
As so many others I too watched the Superbowl 45. I’m not a huge fan of the sport but for the last couple of years I have been seeing the show. Course a show it is. What I like about the whole arrangement is the hype! The American hype! It´s fantastic how much talk and statistics there is produced as warm up material for the game. I was as so many other just as interested in the add´s which is […]
For way too long this blog has only been living in my head! It has been trying to get out, but it got stopped by the heavy workload! Most of my blogging time, have been spent on voluntary work for Masanga Hospital and the Christmas Calender blog. See it at www.masangacreatinglife.wordpress.com. I made a new update every day during December with stories from the different volunteers at the Masanga Hospital. In order to get the many blogupdates down in written […]
I was sitting next to this old man when the rain pored over Shanghai. He was very focused on the newspaper and the cigarette and didn´t pay any attention to me taking the photo what so ever. The photo is edited as HDR photo as I am still practicing that (for me) new technique. Sitting here together with my girlfriend under the umbrella in the rain really made me miss Copenhagen! For so many years the goal has been to […]
When the rain is over Pudon, Shanghai, the city looks like an advance ghost city from the wild west! These days the mid-autumn festival is starting and many Chinese people are leaving the city. The streets never really gets empty, but the busy buzz is gone! it´s nice for a difference! I took this photo from the same position as I took the one from Settling in Shanghai. Again this is a tryout of the many possibilities the HDR photo […]
The expression from the culture I am from: “That´s just too much!” just don´t exist in Shanghai, China. At least it doesn´t look like it… Yesterday when I was walking towards a subway station I came by two shops in the same building, both marketing towards their customers and trying to get us/them to enter the shop. It was like a sort of competition of who could make the most red fuss and be most visible and play the loudest […]
I started using Flickr for a long time ago. Though I love taking photos I never really became a fan of Flickr. It has always been one of these “by the side things” that I already had signed up for and that I felt I was suppose to use because I like photos… From the very start I loved the possibilities to talk with other photo enthusiasts about photos. In that way the community actually fulfilled my expectations… but still […]
Yeaterday I started the Saturday evening by attending a World Cup tournament of the game Tri, here in Shanghai. Tri is a new conceptual game, “TRI”. Active yet still under development, this is an alternative, s.b.f. (strategic, ball and field game). Designed to challenge pre-conceptions about what a sport can be, TRI introduces a new set of dynamics that engage athletes and spectators from traditional sports around the globe. You can learn more about Tri here. I was introduced to […]
By now I have been back in Shanghai about a week… there is so much to tell and so many impressions to share! First of all I just want to share this photo with you. This is from The Nordic lighthouse in Shanghai where Kadaver are taking care of Norden´s exhibition: The Creative North. I am looking forward to many more nights at this place! I have started to practice HDR photography… This was the result of yesterday.. Do you […]
Shanghai is it´s own in a way, a place on earth that is difficult to describe for people who haven´t been here. A friend of mine once said: “Shanghai is just an other planet.” and I agree with him! This time it´s just a familiar planet where the road names makes sense and the subway system is understandable. It´s great to be back! So many good memories from the last time I was here, actually that was when this blog got […]
I have been so lucky to spend some days in Amsterdam lately. By strolling around and seeing the city I managed to come by some interesting places and people. I am very fascinated about traveling based on “networks”.. By writing some emails to good friends and taking contact to locals through medias such as twitter, the experience of the city becomes something else. I was recommended to go and visit The Hub Amsterdam which is a creative office space and inspiring network […]