
Category : Canon 7D

22 Feb 2016

Hiking The Skåneleden in Sweden 

I just came back from a wonderful hike in the south part of Sweden. We’ve decided to walk the Cost-To-Cost hike in the south part of Sweden called The Skåneleden. It´s an amazing nature part and we’ve been hiking parts of it already. Now the plan is to hike from one end to the other over time. Ambitious? yes! So we started out in the beginning – one step at a time, starting by taking route 1 and 2 during this weekend. […]

05 Jan 2013

A new Dancing scene in Copenhagen, Dansekapellet

For some time ago a very interesting venue opened in Copenhagen. Dansekappelet. It’s basically an old crematorium which has been rebuild into a very interesting dance studio. You can check out more here at their website: www.dansekapellet.dk The surroundings are quite amazing and I can strongly encourage you to go and check it out if you have the chance. Just before christmas I went to see my girlfriend Lisbet Kokholm Nør do a performance which is a part of a […]

19 Jul 2011
Hummel tournament streaker Arriva, football, Csr

Hummel, csr, Roskilde Festival, Inshallah Express and a streaker

During this year Roskilde Festival 2011, Hummel had arranged a football tournament to support the woman’s national football team in Afghanistan.  It was beautiful to see how different teams participated to support the noble cause, and there was a lot activity. The rules for the participation was: all teams had to be dressed up only girls allowed to play The money from the tournament where to sponsor a buss for the national woman’s team in Afghanistan to transport them between matches and training. Great […]

16 Jun 2011

Danish folk party should not have Dannebrog!

Every year my family on my mothers side gathers to enjoy a picnic during the Danish “Grundlovsdag” (Constitution Day). This year I was lucky to have my camera with me and I managed to get some photos. I have uploaded some of them to a badge on flickr, but I wanted to make a blogpost about this specific photo right here. It has the Danish flag in the background and it stroke me how much I automatically associate that setting with The Danish Folk Party […]

06 Oct 2010

Chinese man reading the news paper – me missing Cph!

I was sitting next to this old man when the rain pored over Shanghai. He was very focused on the newspaper and the cigarette and didn´t pay any attention to me taking the photo what so ever. The photo is edited as HDR photo as I am still practicing that (for me) new technique. Sitting here together with my girlfriend under the umbrella in the rain really made me miss Copenhagen! For so many years the goal has been to […]

23 Sep 2010

Rain over Pudon!

When the rain is over Pudon, Shanghai, the city looks like an advance ghost city from the wild west! These days the mid-autumn festival is starting and many Chinese people are leaving the city. The streets never really gets empty, but the busy buzz is gone! it´s nice for a difference! I took this photo from the same position as I took the one from Settling in Shanghai. Again this is a tryout of the many possibilities the HDR photo […]

19 Sep 2010
Direct Marketing shop Shanghai, China

China is never overdoing it…

The expression from the culture I am from: “That´s just too much!” just don´t exist in Shanghai, China. At least it doesn´t look like it… Yesterday when I was walking towards a subway station I came by two shops in the same building, both marketing towards their customers and trying to get us/them to enter the shop. It was like a sort of competition of who could make the most red fuss and be most visible and play the loudest […]

12 Sep 2010

The game Tri in Shanghai – World cup!

Yeaterday I started the Saturday evening by attending a World Cup tournament of the game Tri, here in Shanghai. Tri is a new conceptual game, “TRI”. Active yet still under development, this is an alternative, s.b.f. (strategic, ball and field game). Designed to challenge pre-conceptions about what a sport can be, TRI introduces a new set of dynamics that engage athletes and spectators from traditional sports around the globe. You can learn more about Tri here. I was introduced to […]

26 Aug 2010
Fck-Rosenborg football supporter

A new era is starting

for a very long time I have been taking photos with a Sony @100 camera. I have been extremely happy to learn about digital photography with that camera! The quality of the pictures really took shape when I made the investment of a Sigma lince going to f 1:2,8. How ever I have wanted to upgrade my equipment both in order to get higher quality of my pictures and also, read mainly, get back into a practice mode in order […]