When the days disappears by:
Waking up -and feeling as I never really went to bed…
Walking towards the Subway -and thinking “am I all ready here again?”
Working – and not really understanding the calendar…
have I been doing this much in so short time? and, am I really in the middle of November?
Walking around and experiencing New York City – and thinking back to the time where this experience was a dream…
Realizing that my head is close to overloaded…
…and then go to sleep…
simpelthen fordi jeg er for lat til å lese hele bloggen når det er så lenge siden sist jeg har vært innom.. så aner jeg ikke hvorfor du er i new york bortsett fra at det er internship, men merker at jeg er drit nyskjerrig og fantastisc sjalu!!
håper alt er godt med deg mister!
kjør hardt!