
Why spending time with mother nature is crucial 

We all know the busy working day. The early alarm clock, the morning routines, work routines, food routines and sport routines. The best part of these routines is to break them. Get out of the wheel in order to recharge batteries and return with a new perspective. New Energy and a clear mind.
Luckily I have some friends who value the same. From time to time we pack the bags and leave for the woods. Every time is unique and every time the daily work routine gets a new perspective. At the same time we get to practice and play around with our common passion – photography.
So despite our talks of work life, private life and very private life, we also debate new photo gear, new techniques, new editing tool or for example the latest upgrade of Lightroom. Nerdy in many ways, but when the only agenda is to either walk from one shelter to an other, or sit tight by a lake waiting for the sun to be just right for the next capture. These talks make sense in more than one way. We learn, we reflect, we debate and return with an extra point of view on our every day lifes. most of the time we also return with some beautiful photo material. For this trip I was eager to test my new ND filter (neutral density). I just recently got the B+W 106 ND 1.8.
For me, this is my first ND filter so the scene was set to play around and have fun.
Why I gave our trip the name; The Long Shutter Trail.
Any advice or comments you might have are more than welcome. Here are some of the shots.

This is with a 6 seconds long exposure.
Hiking Denmark at Buresø
Here I could only get 2.5 sec. exposure time, due to the heavy sun light.
Hiking Denmark
Out of nowhere a woman on a horse walked straight out in front of us…
Horse in the water
Just playing with the water, making it flat by keeping the shutter long.
The very very important coffee:
Hiking Denmark
The colours a long side the road:
Hiking Denmark
The reflects after the rain:
Hiking Denmark
The drops and the details:
Hiking Denmark

0 thoughts on “Why spending time with mother nature is crucial ”

  1. This all sounds perfect, it really is so healthy to just get away into nature for a while. I love your photos, these filters are so much fun, making water into something really new…..and to use filters like this you really do need the time to play????I wish I could go with you guys on a wilderness escape!

    • Who knows – maybe it will be possible one day! For about two years ago we did a 200km hike in Ireland. And ever since we have talked about Scotland as a potential next stop. Everyone we met said; if you like this, you will love Scotland…
      I still haven’t postet any pictures from that hike… it will come soon 🙂

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