When I think of blogging, I think of the feelings I had when I tok this photo in Shanghai of old ladies dancing in the streets of Shanghai. Blogging photos like this, is my main reason for blogging at all. This blog post goes out as an acknowledgment to those who have inspired me to get started with social medias such as blogging, twitter, facebook, ning, flickr etc. The idea of starting blogging came from the many different projects and […]
for the last 6 days I have had the plesusere to be in Skt. Petersburg in Russia with Viva La Renovation. My job was to photo document the tour and together with a small documentary team create media attention about our project. For that reason I have been active on a different blog for the last couple of days, and I will encourige you to tjeck it out. —> click here there are some more great videos and photos. Here […]
We had a great workshop with Viva La Renovation in the Location Renovation out in Valby. Viva Is about to sharpen up on the Identity and the workshop for finding the exact ID was facilitated by Poul Natorp and kristin Birkeland. It was a very positive day with what I will call a good outcome. There is a lot more to work on, no doubt about that. As allways Vivanister is colorful to be around. Here are two shots of […]
The other day I sat down to empty my mind, lot´s of thoughts are running through my tiny head at these days. The final project on the last semester is approaching really quickly and the end of the education era is closing in. In order to empty my head for all thoughts i sat down with my laptop and typed down what ever came to my mind. All concerns, hinders, frustrations, tasks and thoughts. All of them in 15 min. […]
The organization “Viva La Renovation” is hosting a day of alternative and creative workshops! We host the day in order to introduce our new location and create a financial platform for our work with Roskilde Festival 08. COME AND PLAY WITH US AND BRING YOUR FRIEND!