When I think of blogging, I think of the feelings I had when I tok this photo in Shanghai of old ladies dancing in the streets of Shanghai. Blogging photos like this, is my main reason for blogging at all.
This blog post goes out as an acknowledgment to those who have inspired me to get started with social medias such as blogging, twitter, facebook, ning, flickr etc.
The idea of starting blogging came from the many different projects and travels I experienced during the kaospilot education. But starting a personal blog was with help and inspiration from my good friend Henrique. He taught me why I should use WordPress not blogspot, blogger or any other available service. Hanne Hvattum too had shown the way for what could be done and achieved, and the many stories from them both got me started.
later on, the act of blogging was kept alive by support from various additional blogging friends, to mention some Jacob Klintrup, Mark Hessellund beanland, Anders fredsø, Nicklas peter høeg, Anders graae, Torben Brandt, Abdul and Carl Johannes Borris. Only few of these blogs are still being frequently updated, but the moral support have been there all the way.
When it came to: “what to blog about”, my main focus have always been to show my photos and tell about what I do – think and mean. My friend Morten Jess Nielsen have been a great inspiration to keep developing as a photographer. The talks and practice hours spent with Morten have kept me blogging and blogging. In combination with inspiration from Hanne Hvattum about writing thoughts, experience and dreams, my blog started to take form. Check out Mortens blog here, and more photos here.
On top of all this I have had a lot of tips and trix from my friend Peter Froberg who is an expert with in the field of online social activity. Peter and Henrique inspired me a lot to get started with Twitter, which I now enjoy very much!
Now I have passed on my knowledge to projects like Viva La Renovation, Mr. Green, ByensToner and my company Kadaver.
I still find a lot of inspiration out there, and lately I read the danish book about Digital communication In praxis, “lyt til Elefanterne” I really enjoyed reading it, and can highly recommend it to anyone who finds blogging and various social platforms interesting.
there is a quote that go´s something like this
so …..
Thanks Soren, feel honoured! Keep on rockin’ and bloggin’… Congratulations!
Thanks Søren – and the rest of you. I started blogging for pretty much the same reasons and through inspiration from the same people.
Muchos gracias!
Thanks for the comment guys! As I wrote you have been a great support – and here it shows that you still are!