
The small beautyful things of Copenhagen

I was strolling home on a Saturday afternoon, the sun was nearly shining and the city seemed hungover from a good Friday.. Some of the beautiful things about walking in Copenhagen are the small things that decorates the city. forgetmyname

First i came by this piece of street art, with the writing on it, saying: Forget my name. and then the “for” is tagged. When i saw it, my thought was that it had to be realated to the artist “husk mit navn” (remember my name – for the none danish readers)  so i started to look it up when i got home, and i found some interesting stuff: Apparently Basco5 have experienced the same when initiating the campaign.

By walking further I came by one of many abandon bikes in Copenhagen, I see them and i think of the great project named Baisikeli, that deals with this issue by helping people in Africa at the same time.

In the very end of my walk, just before getting to my flat i finally had my camera with me to document two of my (at the moment) favorite street art pieces.

Now some say graffiti is vandalism, other say graffiti is “spamming”, I will like to post the question: which of these 3 messages are most valuable? 1) The cheap flight ticket with Sterling? 2) The real estate agency Nybolig? or 3) the tag ELSK (love) as an encouragement to spread love?

I will choose no. 3 at any time!

New week starting soon, time to focus on Ambusanga.

0 thoughts on “The small beautyful things of Copenhagen”

  1. Wow. The graffiti in Copenhagen is so interesting! I suspect it’s probably that way in cities the world over; I just don’t get out enough. Anyway, these are priceless shots. Thank you for posting them!

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