While strolling around in Brighton revisiting old places and friends I experienced one of the many beautiful things about Photography. The interaction with strangers.
9 years ago I studied and worked in Brighton. I was taking a course in English, in order to shape my language skills prior to the application for the entrepreneurial education The Kaospilot.
At that time I was working behind the bar in the very charming and lovely pub, Mrs. Fitzherbert. I introduced Lisbet to the fantastic pub and the culture, funny to experience the same place 9 years later. After er beer or two our adventure around the city continued and the attracting look from some home made organic chocolate took our immediate attention. The friendly chocolate entusiast gave a detailed description of the different tasts and how he had made them. From a marketing perspective an event or popup shop can have a huge impact on the visitor as the interaction and explanation between the two parts are so strong. In this case the young entrepreneur Charlie represented a newly started business on a hobby level and by making the effort to establish the small shop he got two new fans and costumers. During the description of the various chocolates Charlie saw my camera. I always have my camera in my hand when traveling in order to snap any given special moment. From one entrepreneurial mind to an other, Charlie said I could get free chocolate if I could help him out with some photos. This led to a great chat about hobbies and interests and thereby how a hobby can become either a business or just stay a hobby. In my case my interest for photography remains a hobby where as my interest for creativity, communication and marketing became my business. When starting up a new idea the documentation of what you do is quite importante. I know that and I had a craving for those delicious chocolate bites. So I said – yes to the offer and took a few shots of the setup. Amazing how once again I have an experience of meeting strangers through my lens.

Good luck Charlie.
Great article, Thanks Soren! charlie x
You are more than welcome Charlie !
Good luck with all your projects. 🙂
Great thought provoking article on Charlie. What a lovely experience. Pass on to him that I wish him every success in the future.
I love cooking and particularly making bread, maybe I will have a pop up bakery along with the photography.
Take care my friend and give my regards to your father
Thank you Peter.
Charlie made a comment as well, so you can actually bring on your wishes to him too 🙂
A bakery and a Photo hobby sounds like a potential food blog adventure too! Not a bad mix. Please keep me posted on any future action regarding The Trump Bakery.
[…] with tea…? which I found as an interesting comparison and also since I just returned from a revisit in Brighton and Chichester as they really love tea in that country! I’ve posted the video below. Personally I find it […]