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The blog only lives in my head! - SorenBoSteendahl

The blog only lives in my head!

For way too long this blog has only been living in my head! It has been trying to get out, but it got stopped by the heavy workload! Most of my blogging time, have been spent on voluntary work for Masanga Hospital and the Christmas Calender blog. See it at www.masangacreatinglife.wordpress.com. I made a new update every day during December with stories from the different volunteers at the Masanga Hospital.

In order to get the many blogupdates down in written and uploaded to the web, I have decided to move towards a blog containing more material based on inspiration/thoughts/projects and things that I am a part of. Rather than the previous focus circling somewhat around powerful photos.

Now it´s out there, and hopefully this will give this blog a more lively touch 🙂

The other day I came by this stencil in Copenhagen. “Min Kamphund har ingen venner” meaning “My pit bull doesn’t have any friends”

I find it as a great way to give alternative focus to the ongoing debate about pit bulls and “fight dogs” specially in the Nørrebro area. It´s now a political issue, if the different dogs should wear protection so the can´t bite. This Danish article is addressing the situation.
I am just a huge fan of artistic people who can make art with a political statement and bring it to the public like the picture above! My Pit bull doesn’t have any friends just underlines the whole debate! Who ever you are: thanks for sharing your work!

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