
Tag : kadaver

14 Dec 2015

Searching for 35 brave souls 

10 years ago, I answered an application that changed my life. My personal story is that I was in a job interview and the woman on the other side of the table asked me: So what do you like to do? I believe her name was Tina. I started mumbeling about what I liked to do… and I like to do a alot… so I just kept on talking. After what must have been too long she smiled and said: […]

29 May 2015
Kadaver Kilroy

Kadaver laver nyt film hit!

– Life is about exploring the moments that matter, lyder den indledende speak til to nye reklamefilm fra ungdomsrejsebureauer Kilroy. Filmene er netop lanceret YouTube, Facebook og i biografer i fem nordeuropæiske – Danmark, Sverige, Norge, Finland og NL. lande, og de er kreeret til at give målgruppen en følelse af udlængsel og lyst til at udfordre sig selv. Det er igen det lille reklamebureau Kadaver, der står bag Kilroy-filmene, og som i samarbejde med instruktør Mads Hemmingsen, har udviklet […]

22 Mar 2011

Researching made me remember – Guinness!

During an assignment today at Kadaver, I had to find different videos which turns negative associations into positive. While searching and searching I came to think of the time I lived in England. I did some bar jobs while studying English and one of the advertisement that I really remembered from back then was the Guinness – Evolution. When you see this one then think back to 2005 or so, where it´s from, and imagine that you just ordered a pint of Guinness – and […]

10 Sep 2010
pudon skyline HDR blog

Setteling in Shanghai

By now I have been back in Shanghai about a week… there is so much to tell and so many impressions to share! First of all I just want to share this photo with you. This is from The Nordic lighthouse in Shanghai where Kadaver are taking care of Norden´s exhibition: The Creative North. I am looking forward to many more nights at this place! I have started to practice HDR photography… This was the result of yesterday.. Do you […]

16 May 2010
Arriva Love seats kærlighedssæder 350S

My life in Copenhagen

Everyday I look at my blog, and I question my self why I don´t update more often. Then I ask my self: “what is there to post and share”? My reflections about the use of this blog is pretty interesting for me. It turns out that my blog have been used mainly to tell about travels, and thereby show pictures from different corners of the world and episodes that I have been in. I would like to keep that stile, […]

27 Feb 2010
Dancing old ladies in Shanghai streets

This Blog, its origin and the blog supporters

When I think of blogging, I think of the feelings I had when I tok this photo in Shanghai of old ladies dancing in the streets of Shanghai. Blogging photos like this, is my main reason for blogging at all. This blog post goes out as an acknowledgment to those who have inspired me to get started with social medias such as blogging, twitter, facebook, ning, flickr etc. The idea of starting blogging came from the many different projects and […]

12 Nov 2009

An open head at Nørrebro

I haven´t been able to keep up with my own blog, since I have been working with my company Kadaver and the organization Masanga. There are many blog posts taking place in my head, and soon I will have them online too. An interesting one that I have thought about the last couple of days is the creation of the new Metro at Assistens kirkegården at Nørrebro´s runddel. There are a lot of citizens in Copenhagen who are extremely angry […]

15 Oct 2009

Flash mob in Copenhagen by Kadaver

For a long time the foursome of Kaospilots, Kadaver, have been dreaming about Combining business with the good cause. A phenomena that is also referred to as Social Innovation. Last friday October 9th. on the Danish “culture night” Kadaver kicked of a Flash mob at “rådhuspladsen” – the municipality square. The Flash mob was an act for climate change; Do you want to sunbathe in October in the future? The Hopenhagen campaign encourage people to sign the UN climate petition […]

15 Sep 2009
LIkemind Copenhagen

Likemind 18th. Sept. Copenhagen

Likemind is a very simple concept. You meet up at a café, drink a cop of coffee and talk with the people who are there… The meeting starts in the early morning hours and by that it differs from the “classical” mingling sessions where you drink cocktails and hid behind your business card. Likemind is about meeting young entrepreneurs and other creative and brave minds – where they are. Meet the person behind the business card and hear about interesting […]

21 Apr 2009
Likemind Copenhagen

Likemind Copenhagen

When I was staying in New York, I came by the monthly coffee meeting Likemind and that really tricked me. I therefore signed up for getting the event to Denmark. We are now about to run the second round -coffee – talks – laughs – hang out – people – We where about 30 people last time, and the athmosphere was great! hopefully we can get even more people to come and share their stories and proffessions with us this […]

27 Nov 2008

East Harlem I love you, Inside out!

Here We lived for the last Month, this is the first thing you see when going trough the front door. And to describe the feeling, the closest i can think of is a well used Toilet at Roskilde Festival on a sunny day. The smell was harsh and stiff, a good mix of Piss, beers and rotten wood. Most likely there are more things to add to this list, things i don´t know about, and honestly don´t either want to […]