
Tag : Evolution

05 Dec 2013

Free the Nipple

There are lots of different campaigns out on the web and I try to watch as many as possible. This morning I came by a Facebook update from a friend of mine, Philip, who posted this great video of the “Free the Nipple” evolution. The video have a high production value for sure! The cause is, well, likeable one could say. The woman are good looking, and from the web site, www.freethenipple.com they seem to be serious. I’m curious to […]

22 Mar 2011

Researching made me remember – Guinness!

During an assignment today at Kadaver, I had to find different videos which turns negative associations into positive. While searching and searching I came to think of the time I lived in England. I did some bar jobs while studying English and one of the advertisement that I really remembered from back then was the Guinness – Evolution. When you see this one then think back to 2005 or so, where it´s from, and imagine that you just ordered a pint of Guinness – and […]