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arriva Archives - SorenBoSteendahl

Tag : arriva

19 Jul 2011
Hummel tournament streaker Arriva, football, Csr

Hummel, csr, Roskilde Festival, Inshallah Express and a streaker

During this year Roskilde Festival 2011, Hummel had arranged a football tournament to support the woman’s national football team in Afghanistan.  It was beautiful to see how different teams participated to support the noble cause, and there was a lot activity. The rules for the participation was: all teams had to be dressed up only girls allowed to play The money from the tournament where to sponsor a buss for the national woman’s team in Afghanistan to transport them between matches and training. Great […]

16 May 2010
Arriva Love seats kærlighedssæder 350S

My life in Copenhagen

Everyday I look at my blog, and I question my self why I don´t update more often. Then I ask my self: “what is there to post and share”? My reflections about the use of this blog is pretty interesting for me. It turns out that my blog have been used mainly to tell about travels, and thereby show pictures from different corners of the world and episodes that I have been in. I would like to keep that stile, […]