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Århus Archives - SorenBoSteendahl

Tag : Århus

14 Dec 2015

Searching for 35 brave souls 

10 years ago, I answered an application that changed my life. My personal story is that I was in a job interview and the woman on the other side of the table asked me: So what do you like to do? I believe her name was Tina. I started mumbeling about what I liked to do… and I like to do a alot… so I just kept on talking. After what must have been too long she smiled and said: […]

21 Apr 2010
Århus Botanisk have

Botanic Garden in Århus

The April snow in Copenhagen today, made me think of a photo I captured in the Botanic garden in Århus a bit more than one month back. It´s the time where the heat and the sun overrules the ice and the cold! Where the snow is melting and green grass is showing from underneath, proving life. The random snow falling from the sky today, took me right back in that setting. I captured this photo in Århus when I was […]

02 Feb 2010
Mand i sol ved strand udenfor Århus

Browsing old photos from Århus

When I was browsing through some of the photos on my hard drive from Århus, I came by this one. A photo that tells some of the stories for what you can see when you stroll around the outskirts of the city. I spent 3 years in Århus studying at the Kaospilot education, all those years I missed Copenhagen. Now being back in Copenhagen and finding photos like this one from the hard drive I miss the surroundings of Århus. […]

28 Sep 2009

Appriciating life

This blog post is going to be about an experiences I had about a week ago. The Small things that makes me smile. I was deeply into a debate with me good friend, Rasmus, about the Danish society. About the changes that are ongoing at the moment. We both remember for some years back when we where proud of being Danish. Especially when meeting people while traveling. The fact is that I am not proud now. I can hardly identity […]

18 Feb 2009

::Copenhagen By Night::::

The other night after a long day of snowy weather and smiling people, I chose to take a long walk through the city. Around One o´clock at night I came by these views of Copenhagen, more exact Nørrebro. I moved here for not long ago, back in Copenhagen from Århus. A change of city I have been waiting and longing for. My time in Århus has been irreplaceable due to the education and the extremely nice people i met. Though […]

14 Feb 2009

when time changes

The last day at the Kaospilot education in Århus has now taken place. Yesterday was kick-off for focus on final projects. The journey through the educational program has been amazing so far! From now on i will focus on my final exam (and all the other projects by the side)… when searching around the Internet for inspiration to the Ambusanga project i came by this short video introducing shortly where i have been the last two and a half year. […]

28 May 2008

Le petit Andrés

Saturday the 24th of may, Anders Toft played a super funky hard-rocking electro set at Studenterhuset in Århus. The music was smashing and the beers tasty. Here are some photos from the event. Enjoy! Nicklas is chilling next to the Dj´s and the empty dance floor Anders “aka” Le petit Andrés, Anders “aka” Le petit Andrés