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ambusanga Archives - SorenBoSteendahl

Tag : ambusanga

16 Nov 2015

The Secret Behind Beautiful Landscape Photography 

  I literally believe that I have taken many thousand photos of landscapes during my many years of playing around photography. All those years with all that practice and still so far to go. It´s amazing how many different ways you can capture an image. How many different thoughts that can be added to the process. For the last two years, I think, Landscape photography has gotten my attention more and more. Previously I would say that the documenting part […]

01 Aug 2011
Shepard fairey, jagtvej 69, ground 69, graffiti streetart copenhagen denmark

Shepard Fairey painted my hood !

This saturday night I was going to cook lasagna with me good friend Anders Graae. I came out of my flat and turned the corner and saw some guys doing a serious paint work. It was for sure professional course they had a lift and everything… From where I stood I could only see the word: Peace, and that the work was in progress. I love streetart, so I took a photo to put on Instagram, I added the text saying: I´m looking foreward […]

06 Mar 2009

Pecha Kucha Night #10

Last night i did a performance at the event called Pecha Kucha. It´s a conceptualized way of presenting your ideas and projects. basically you have 20 slides or elements and then 20 seconds per slide. Based on that you are to tell about your project, idea, business, art installation or dream. I made a presentation about the power of networks and what possibilities that lies within sharing thoughts, dreams and projects. I based the presentation on how the hospital Masanga […]

23 Feb 2009

3D street art

I got this link just now trhough the online social network Twitter where you can follow me and the Ambusanga project. I found it as a reply to my earlier post about street art in copenhagen. i think this video i spretty amazing, I love the stop-motion effect in it, the story, the time perspectives, the frees effects and the outcome! – enjoy! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SNYtd0Ayt0]

23 Feb 2009

The small beautyful things of Copenhagen

I was strolling home on a Saturday afternoon, the sun was nearly shining and the city seemed hungover from a good Friday.. Some of the beautiful things about walking in Copenhagen are the small things that decorates the city. First i came by this piece of street art, with the writing on it, saying: Forget my name. and then the “for” is tagged. When i saw it, my thought was that it had to be realated to the artist “husk […]

14 Feb 2009

when time changes

The last day at the Kaospilot education in Århus has now taken place. Yesterday was kick-off for focus on final projects. The journey through the educational program has been amazing so far! From now on i will focus on my final exam (and all the other projects by the side)… when searching around the Internet for inspiration to the Ambusanga project i came by this short video introducing shortly where i have been the last two and a half year. […]