I attended a peaceful demonstration in Copenhagen yesterday to show support for the different democratic forces in the North Africa and in the middle East. It was a demonstration arranged by Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, Amnesty International, Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd, Dansk Arabisk Ungdom, Palæstinensisk Ungdom og Nasim. acording to the facebook invitation that got spread around the internet!
There where not that many people participating but the crowed was full of people who shared the same dream: peace and democracy in the world! Unfortunately i missed Søren Pind who was one of the speakers. Some hours before there had been a huge viral storm on facebook: “Assimilation af Søren Pind” And I would have loved to see what his reaction was to that! Bassically many 1000 people changed their profile photo to a profile picture of Søren Pind. I did hear Johanne Schmidt´s speech and i liked her energy and many of her view points. I specially liked her finish, “We can not stop Dictatorship, by supporting a Dictator!” with these words I went to Cafe Din Nye Ven in order not to freeze to death.
Here are some photos from the Demo!