
Sunday in pulsing madness

If possible: then play CV Jørgensen, søndags seanser while reading this paragraph. that is describing my mood and smile pretty well.

it´s now sunday. The sun has been shining. I have had some cosy hangovers and some nice time alone. Alone in that sense that i have been walking around on my own. There are always people around you when being out on in the streets. I finally found a football field and sat down to enjoy the sun, my lunch and the view of happy chinese football players. Later on I randomly ran into a french girl in the street, we walked and talked for a while. looked at the city. observed the madness! I then got offered dinner by Anders F, Anders G and Mark in their new apartment. The dinner id over, the food was good, I am chilling out in the living room of the flat with the Norwegians girl crew. I have decided not to find a permanently place to stay. It is to much of a hassle, and there are so many wonderful people in this city offering couches, spare beds and madrases. I started to search in the Couchsurfing community online. A network i have been a part of for about a year by now. www.couchsurfing.dk it is a website for people who likes to travel, and who likes to meet travelers. By creating a profile you invite travelers to stay at your place. And you get access to couches all over the world. Lat friday there was a dinner party for the Couch surfing community in Shanghai. I joint in, and met a bunch of friendly and kind people! during dinner I had more than 5 different places i could sleep. Tomorrow i will be moving my stuff to a couchsurfer named Alicia. She has offered me a single room in her flat for as long as i like…! check that out! -a place to stay 2 month, for free! I am really looking forward to meet her tomorrow!

If i knew how to upload pictures on this site, they would be all over the page…! i most wait until i have had my “how to use the internet” lesson by our beloved internet nerd Henrique. this will happen on tuesday.

The group I am in, “the Fashionist mobsters” as we are called by some. We have by now received and answer from our client about the demands we made. Of course it was not on time and the result is a bit blurry by now. It does not look like we are going to Beijing witch is a pity. There are many things to look into tomorrow and this process so far has been EXTREMELY interesting to be in. tough, rough, hard, ignoring, frustrating, nail biting, ups and downs, etc. and on top of all this —> learning full! my task for tuesday is to write down my learnings and findings from the first two weeks project work. My experience of the cooperation between us as Kaospilots and The Fasion Hub as a client.

-check out from a tired mister Steendahl.

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