
Searching for 35 brave souls 

10 years ago, I answered an application that changed my life. My personal story is that I was in a job interview and the woman on the other side of the table asked me: So what do you like to do? I believe her name was Tina. I started mumbeling about what I liked to do… and I like to do a alot… so I just kept on talking. After what must have been too long she smiled and said: “It sounds like you should be a Kaospilot”. I nodded and smiled as you do in a job interview… not knowing what she ment by that comment, or what a Kaospilot was (is).
I got the job and I got curious. After a while I found out what the Kaospilot was about.. so I decided to quite the job, went to France to snowboard for a season, then I moved to England to study English and to apply for the next years program. I was 21 at the time. Just old enough to apply.
I remember the day I posted the application. It was the same day my friend Nei Kodama got deported from Brighton to Japan. A grey day in Brighton and a day that changed both our lives for the future.
My application was accepted and I was invited to join a 2 or 3 days workshop. I can´t remember if it was 2 or 3 it was simply so intense. I was extremely exhausted after that experience. I passed the test and got accepted at the Kaospilot Team 13.
Now 10 years later the school is looking for 35 new brave souls to initiate 3 years of adventure, creativity and innovation.
Follow this link for the application to join team 23.
It´s most likely the 3 most intens and crazy years I can think back at. Luckily the adventure is still ongoing. I formed Kadaver with 3 other students in the team. Kadaver is growing every day and so are we as partners.
I will be happy to answer questions about my experiences if you have any. just post them as a comment or mail it to me.
Good luck applying!
This here, is the Pudon Skyline back in 2008… one of the many experiences from my time as a student. Also one of the reason why i started this blog in the first place…

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