I still can´t upload pictures to this page when being in china… tough shit!
closing down the Fashion Hub marketing task force. The 5 weeks project is over, the first part of the outpost -closed down-. A lot has happened… so much that is has been difficult to grasp it all. therefore the inconvenient on the blog. The task we were to do for the Shanghai Fashion hub was shortly to “map out creative networks and hubs in Shanghai”. The group consisted of 7 strong individuals all ready to subtract as much learning and experience from the project as possible! Our result became a good looking book. The book contains our research material, pictures from the field and illustrations. It is all meant as an inspiration for the Fashion Hub, as well as pure fact about how the situation in Shanghai is at the moment. The idea about creating a “creative” book came from the impression we had of the Fashion hub. Inspiration and a picture of what moves in Shanghai was needed for them in order to market them self to the right people. By right i mean the people they were talking about, but not being in contact with. It all ended up in a hard working process for the 7 dedicated Kaospilots, long hours, many hours in front of the computer, not much sleep and layout and light discussions… coffee, nudles, rice, rice nudles and coffee… long chinese hours! We got the result we wanted and had a short and brief presentation afterwards. The one and only copy of the book was given to them with a memory stick, so they could copy more if needed.
The project ended there and we are now waiting for written feedback on our deliverable and cooperation during the 5 weeks.
I must say that this education again and again creates the possibility for me, to jump into unknown areas and try them out. I am overwhelmed with impressions from working with a Chinese governmental controlled company. experiencing rapid changes, chaotic decisions and enormous language and culture barriers/differences.