They say running releases endorphins. I believe it’s more than that. Running also connects people by bringing together enthusiasts with the same ambition or goal. Running bridges nationalities and brings joy to training and races. I run WITH the local club NBRO (Nørrebro Running in Copenhagen) and I run FOR the charity club Masanga Runners. By running for Masanga Runners I also contribute to charity work in Sierra Leone. Masanga Runners is a fantastic program made by volunteers who wants to support the important work being done at The Masanga Hospital in Sierra Leone, Tonkolilli district. The charity Masanga has rebuild an old hospital and are now providing treatments to the people in the area. It’s a very beautiful project started by a Danish association called Masanga DK. Dr. Peter Bo Jørgensen initiated the project 9 years ago, and I have helped along for about 8 years. Last year I left the board of the organisation to keep my focus on the two other projects I work with. Kadaver creative agency is my baby and everyday activity and Returntool is a darling on the site, where I have the role as Head of Advisory Board. Both are growing rapidly and takes a lot of focus.
In order to keep helping and supporting Masanga and the fantastic people behind the org, I chose to run for the running club, Masanga Runners.
The set up is simple:
– I run and track my distance in kilometers.
– I have found several sponsors who supports my run.
– Every month I register my distance
– Every 3rd month the sponsors pay a few pr. kilometer tracked.
– Each sponsor can choose the price pr. km.
Thats why we say – You Never Run Alone – You Never Run For Nothing
During the past year I have been proud to have 13 fantastic sponsors. Some have signed up for 1kr. (Danish Kroner) pr. Kilometer. others have signed up for 0.25kr. It’s 100% individual for each one.
I run between 20 – 60 km. per week. Depending how close the next race is. During the last year I have tracked a bit more than 1000km. = aprox 20km a week. As you can see, it ain’t something that ruins the sponsors… The Idea builds on philosophy; little strokes fell great oaks. The goal for Masanga Runners is to have 1000 runners, who collects a small amount each.
The beauty of this project is that the amount of donation various from sponsor to sponsor and from week to week.
Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to participate in the 42nd. Berlin Mrathon race. What a magnificent experience. This was my second marathon race – My declared goal was to do a person best with 30min from last year… As in so many other projects I went in way too ambitious… I managed a personal best with 13 min. and I feel proud 🙂
In my mind the hard work ain’t the distance 42.195km. in Berlin. It’s the repeatable practice prior to the race. By knowing that my sponsors would donate money for the Masanga Hospital every time I had to clock a 5K – 10K – 15K – 20K or 30K in the training program, made it way more easy. The days when the rain was pouring down, and I had 10k in the program… Then it´s a relief to think about the benefit others will gain. In total I’ve collected aprox 6.5kr. pr kilometer and a treatment at the Masanga hospital is in average 32kr. So running a 10K (even in the rain in DK) have provided 2 treatments in Sierra Leone 🙂
I find that beautiful and worth supporting!
I would like to say Thanks to all the sponsors – and I hope you will join me for the next goal – Copenhagen Marathon 2016 – and a new personal best. 🙂
If you want to be a Masanga Runner – follow this link:
If you want to support my running and thereby the Masanga project, just contact me, then we will find the best suitable match. or click here for registration:
Hopefully I gave inspiration for you to either start running, start running for Masanga Runners, or sponsor a runner ?
All the photos in this post is made by Andreas Huttel, who also runs for Masanga Runner.
Absolute inspireing. After all “we are born to run”
Thank you Jan H. and thanks for the support along the way. Hopefully we can inspire others to join too 🙂
[…] out okay. All in all I’m on the right track and for January I registered running 110 kilometers for the Masanga Runners Charity Program. Great start of the year and for the marathon training. (Masanga runners is for me a big motivation […]
[…] I got to arrange a small run in the snow landscape to keep up the marathon training and gather some kilometers for the Masanga Runners program. I also took the change to shoot some photos (mainly of the […]
[…] I got to arrange a small run in the snow landscape to keep up the marathon training and gather some kilometers for the Masanga Runners program. I also took the chance to shoot some photos (mainly of the […]