During this year Roskilde Festival 2011, Hummel had arranged a football tournament to support the woman’s national football team in Afghanistan. It was beautiful to see how different teams participated to support the noble cause, and there was a lot activity. The rules for the participation was:
- all teams had to be dressed up
- only girls allowed to play
The money from the tournament where to sponsor a buss for the national woman’s team in Afghanistan to transport them between matches and training. Great little concept and very well executed. I was lucky to be there and watch some matches and get some photos too. The winner this year was a team of brave girls sponsored by Arrivaand therefore dressed up like buss drivers. A very suitable outfit for a tournament with the focus on sponsoring a buss. They called the team for Inshallah Express which I´m not sure what means… do you?
Christian Stadil was there to announce the winner and tell about the buss project. I am personally a huge admire of the work that Christian Stadil and Hummel are doing, especially the works and support in Sierra Leone. Right now Hummel is supporting a Jungle Run for the Masanga Hospital which has a huge impact for the local society.
Christian Stadil was there to announce the winner and tell about the buss project. I am personally a huge admire of the work that Christian Stadil and Hummel are doing, especially the works and support in Sierra Leone. Right now Hummel is supporting a Jungle Run for the Masanga Hospital which has a huge impact for the local society.
During the tournament a streaker ran to the field to get attention… where else than Roskilde Festival would that take place..?
Hey Søren! You forgot to mention Inshallah Express in the body-text 😉 – I passed the field of glory just as Inshallah Express won – I felt like it was in the honour of me – I was a devout muslim (that day) – and I’m probably one of the only danes to tweet with #inshallah hashtag on a regular basis 😉
haha true! I made a little morning mistake there..! it should be corrected by now! :0) thanx for the extra eyes my friend! take care!
so you’re not sure what “Inshallah Express” means Ins’h’Allah is arabic and means “God willing” – it’s common for muslims to end sentences by saying Ins’h’Allah – we’ll meet tomorrow ins’h’Allah (God willing) – in my opinion this is a state of mind – calling something ins’h’Allah Express is thus, a contradiction of terms, since you can’t hurry God, nor love <3 it!
Thanks Kim! I was told during the festival, but I must admit i forgot… I didn’t feel like guessing the meaning…! cheers for the explanation!! You can find more photos from the festival here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/steendahl/sets/72157627090115406/show/
(actually you can’t hurry 350S 😉 – indeed defining “Inshallah Express” <3 – are you sure it wasn't "my" team)
((all I know is that Copenhagen Nonsensus ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Copenhagen-Nonsensus/158093565807 ) entered a team for the tournament, and that we tweeted for cross-dressers – we took it for granted that the rest would be like clockwork ;-))