
Category : HDR

06 Oct 2010

Chinese man reading the news paper – me missing Cph!

I was sitting next to this old man when the rain pored over Shanghai. He was very focused on the newspaper and the cigarette and didn´t pay any attention to me taking the photo what so ever. The photo is edited as HDR photo as I am still practicing that (for me) new technique. Sitting here together with my girlfriend under the umbrella in the rain really made me miss Copenhagen! For so many years the goal has been to […]

23 Sep 2010

Rain over Pudon!

When the rain is over Pudon, Shanghai, the city looks like an advance ghost city from the wild west! These days the mid-autumn festival is starting and many Chinese people are leaving the city. The streets never really gets empty, but the busy buzz is gone! it´s nice for a difference! I took this photo from the same position as I took the one from Settling in Shanghai. Again this is a tryout of the many possibilities the HDR photo […]

10 Sep 2010
pudon skyline HDR blog

Setteling in Shanghai

By now I have been back in Shanghai about a week… there is so much to tell and so many impressions to share! First of all I just want to share this photo with you. This is from The Nordic lighthouse in Shanghai where Kadaver are taking care of Norden´s exhibition: The Creative North. I am looking forward to many more nights at this place! I have started to practice HDR photography… This was the result of yesterday.. Do you […]