
FCK – Brøndby 4-0

After a crazy experience watching the local fight between FC København and Brøndby where FCK overrulled with a score on 4-0. A lot of haterad found place between the supporters, and here is a photo seen fra the FCK support scare towards the BIF ultras. They do not like each others. I found it interesting to be in a crowed expressing so much rage towards people they don´t even know.  honestly they could be working together side by side in the everyday life. I think it is interesting to see this in the perspectives of communities. -how you gather around something you like – or something you hate… which foundations greates strongest relations, and which foundations do you want to be a part of? I would love to hear your comments on this. I find the most motivation based on things  I love. but I find the biggest solidarity in a crowed focused on something they are against.


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