I was scrolling through some of the photos from the other day, and this street art piece stood out to me. I don´t think it is intended for the election, but if Obama wins (and hopefully he will) this wall suddently gets a strong symbolic meaning. America is about to write History, and I am in the middle of it.
>> Snapped in a School Yard in East Harlem, the hood where I live at the moment <<
Hey Boys
Ville lige endnu en gang gøre opmærksom på at jeg er dybt misundelig på jeres location til aftenens valg!!! Jeg vil være oppe hele natten – dansk tid – til en omgang skype, med mindre i ligger i sprut tåger på manhattan! – det håber jeg og forventer jeg.
Jeg har iøvrigt min blog oppe at køre nu; klintrup.wordpress.com så tjek det ud….