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Shanghai Archives - SorenBoSteendahl

Category : Shanghai

14 Dec 2015

Searching for 35 brave souls 

10 years ago, I answered an application that changed my life. My personal story is that I was in a job interview and the woman on the other side of the table asked me: So what do you like to do? I believe her name was Tina. I started mumbeling about what I liked to do… and I like to do a alot… so I just kept on talking. After what must have been too long she smiled and said: […]

06 Oct 2010

Chinese man reading the news paper – me missing Cph!

I was sitting next to this old man when the rain pored over Shanghai. He was very focused on the newspaper and the cigarette and didn´t pay any attention to me taking the photo what so ever. The photo is edited as HDR photo as I am still practicing that (for me) new technique. Sitting here together with my girlfriend under the umbrella in the rain really made me miss Copenhagen! For so many years the goal has been to […]

23 Sep 2010

Rain over Pudon!

When the rain is over Pudon, Shanghai, the city looks like an advance ghost city from the wild west! These days the mid-autumn festival is starting and many Chinese people are leaving the city. The streets never really gets empty, but the busy buzz is gone! it´s nice for a difference! I took this photo from the same position as I took the one from Settling in Shanghai. Again this is a tryout of the many possibilities the HDR photo […]

19 Sep 2010
Direct Marketing shop Shanghai, China

China is never overdoing it…

The expression from the culture I am from: “That´s just too much!” just don´t exist in Shanghai, China. At least it doesn´t look like it… Yesterday when I was walking towards a subway station I came by two shops in the same building, both marketing towards their customers and trying to get us/them to enter the shop. It was like a sort of competition of who could make the most red fuss and be most visible and play the loudest […]

12 Sep 2010

The game Tri in Shanghai – World cup!

Yeaterday I started the Saturday evening by attending a World Cup tournament of the game Tri, here in Shanghai. Tri is a new conceptual game, “TRI”. Active yet still under development, this is an alternative, s.b.f. (strategic, ball and field game). Designed to challenge pre-conceptions about what a sport can be, TRI introduces a new set of dynamics that engage athletes and spectators from traditional sports around the globe. You can learn more about Tri here. I was introduced to […]

10 Sep 2010
pudon skyline HDR blog

Setteling in Shanghai

By now I have been back in Shanghai about a week… there is so much to tell and so many impressions to share! First of all I just want to share this photo with you. This is from The Nordic lighthouse in Shanghai where Kadaver are taking care of Norden´s exhibition: The Creative North. I am looking forward to many more nights at this place! I have started to practice HDR photography… This was the result of yesterday.. Do you […]

04 Sep 2010
And we are not even on ground level

It´s fantastic to revisit Shanghai

Shanghai is it´s own in a way, a place on earth that is difficult to describe for people who haven´t been here. A friend of mine once said: “Shanghai is just an other planet.” and I agree with him! This time it´s just a familiar planet where the road names makes sense and the subway system is understandable. It´s great to be back! So many good memories from the last time I was here, actually that was when this blog got […]

27 May 2008

One Day In Shanghai

During our stay in Shanghai, I created together with me friend Jacob klintrup, a movie illustrating a random day in the busy city. We made a Dogma concept with the following rules: -No setups, -Only one takes and no editing -All photos in chronological order -A random day, where what ever happened – happened, no setups. -The music played is the music from the day -Only follow Jacob Klintrup -All photos by me, Søren Bo Steendahl This has created a stop-motion video […]

27 Mar 2008

SES -Shanghai Experimental School-

Arriving back to Shanghai at 13.40 straight from The 4th International Chemical Fiber and Yarn Products Investments Seminar in Tongxiang Nicklas, Anders Fredsø and Søren went to SES (Shanghai Experimental School) to facilitate a workshop. We were given the task to do a lecture in a high school, for students having a series of lectures about “new ways of thinking, discussing and communicating”. We had more or less free hands in order to plan the one hour given. The only […]

11 Mar 2008

Now i know

it´s due to the chinese government that I can´t upload any pictures here! I have to use proxys in order to get to this page, and apparently that hinders me in uploading any pictures. SORRY! i will have to wait until i get to japan. next week. then i will upload like the wannabe japanese photo dude i am! We are about to end our research time for the Fashion hub. Now we are looking into making it into a […]

25 Feb 2008

The unknown?

What to do when being stocked in project work? The Fashion Hub group are still in the unknown zone searching for the light. Our clint, the Shanghai Fashion Hub, has still not presented a project description for us. After a confusing meeting with the boss the other day, our group still stand with only questions and very few answers. As this is being typed we are in a waiting position. Simon our Team manager is in a meeting with Mr. […]