While being random in Tokyo, playing football, drums, hackysack and hanging out. We came by a demontration against the war in Iraq. There were shit lots of police and not that many participants in the demonstration. My friend Nei Kodama told me about the Extremely right-winged Japanese government and the few who dared to stand up and go against it. We were looking at some of the few… -his bandana says UNITE Shortly after the police started to drag people out of the demonstration. Some ended on the ground with violence, some got arrested. Nei was quickly on his feet to help the demonstration I came after. We were now in the middle of an in-fight between Japanese Police and angry “peace lovers”. I lost Nei in the middle and now only had my camera and common sense to stick with. I must say that the Adrenalin was pumping around as Japanese Police forces started to push me and yell in Japanese.
There was a lot of old people in the demo. And the fight stopped quickly after. I had the taste of Japanese Police rod. Not as a Punch just as an aggressive direction guidance…
the demonstration continued peacefully from there and we ended up playing some drums and had a great time!
Here we are hanging out playing drums in a park, just before the demonstration took place
Tomorrow we will b leaving for Nagano. I am looking forward to see the country side of Japan.
Hej Søren – har læst ovenstående med interesse. Jeg får altså mere ud af det danske, som du sendte til mig. Desværre var der også kun 200 til demo ved USA’s ambassade. Ingen kampe mellem politi og aktivister. Alt foregik i ro og orden — Spændende det du fortæller om Renovation på Roskilde Festivalen. Ellers må du hjemme i DEN igen fortælle noget mere om hvad du / I laver, hvad er meningen medd det — “Klimabevaegelsen.dk” har mange meget rutinerede ildsjæle-græsrødder. Klima-topmødet i KBH i 2009 var igangsætteren. Måske lave et alternativt klima-topmøde? — Bruger meget af min tid på kinesiologi, men det véd du allerede — Jeg fatter ikke betydningen af dine jeres “tags”. Det må du lære mig en gang.
Kærlig hilsen fra det Frederiksberg, som forventes at få 10 cm sne-fygning i morgen over middag. Kai.
NEI!HI! (or should that be hej?)