Dave is an extremely gifted clairvoyant who finds out specific financial information. This video reveals the magic behind the magic, making people aware of the fact that their entire life can be found online. And by doing so urging everybody to be vigilant. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7pYHN9iC9I&w=560&h=315] The world wide fantastic web! – Use and abuse!
I haven’t been blogging in a looong time now. Too long if you ask me. Yesterday I had a conversation with me friend Gorka around this. Why am I not blogging that much any more? and what should I blog about and bla bla bla. I came to the conclusion that I do “blog” a lot ON MICRO BLOGS. everyday Twitter is rolling, nearly everyday a new photo of graffiti is posted to Instagram, Flickr is Flickr and Facebook is […]
being back from Vest Africa means alot of things! New eyes on the way we live our lives in the vestern world, a lot of new insight in what to work with and how for the organization Masanga. And last but not least a quick and stabil internet connection… In the previous post i wonted to show some photos from the Hospital compound and surroundings. These photos are not meant to offend anyone or brake any rules from the provider […]
I have now been In Sierra Leone for a bit more than a week. I am at the moment situated at the Masanga hospital ground in the middle of the jungle. A fantastic place and a dramatic place at the same time. Life is both beautiful and terrible at the same time. It becomes very clear how much needed this hospital project is when being in the surroundings of it. Meeting the locals, seeing their kids with malnutrition and hearing […]
Last night i did a performance at the event called Pecha Kucha. It´s a conceptualized way of presenting your ideas and projects. basically you have 20 slides or elements and then 20 seconds per slide. Based on that you are to tell about your project, idea, business, art installation or dream. I made a presentation about the power of networks and what possibilities that lies within sharing thoughts, dreams and projects. I based the presentation on how the hospital Masanga […]