
A new era is starting

Fck-Rosenborg football supporter

for a very long time I have been taking photos with a Sony @100 camera. I have been extremely happy to learn about digital photography with that camera! The quality of the pictures really took shape when I made the investment of a Sigma lince going to f 1:2,8. How ever I have wanted to upgrade my equipment both in order to get higher quality of my pictures and also, read mainly, get back into a practice mode in order to become an even more skilled photographer. So after years of thinking about what camera should be next and how should i get the money I purchased the investment this Tuesday. I now have a Canon 7D in my hands and I most say that I am falling in love with this piece of equipment! It is obvious that there is a lot of new things to learn when taking the step from a Sony controle system to a Canon menĂº… I am sure it will come slowly! Right now I am just playing around with it and having fun getting to know it.

Yesterday I went to the football game with FCK vs. Rosenborg which was a great game and a hell of a party! 1-0 to FCK who is now going to meet Barcelona… Now that will be fun to see!

Any way.. I left the game with a photo I liked, and that I also would like to show to you, even though I was just playing around :0)

An FCK supporter being eager toward the pitch!

Fck-Rosenborg football supporter

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