This year I´m trying to follow through with the challenge of making “one photo every day”. I’ve tried it before and never been able to follow through the whole year. This year I’ve changed camera system and the Fuji X-T2 is just way more easy to carry around on an everyday basis. For the first two weeks of the year, I’ve been able to get these shots.
I share them on Flickr every day, if you want the daily inspiration – just follow this link.
Day 1 – just after midnight 🙂 Bang !
Day 2 – On my way home from work. Catching the sunset in Copenhagen.
Day 3 – snapping the photo on Nørrebrogade, just before arriving home. It’s a tough routine to get into remembering the find a great motive during the day. AND have time to shoot it.
Day 4 – Taking a small round trip after work, to catch the daily photo. This time of the Circle Bridge in Copenhagen.
Day 5 – I got a new lense for the Fuji X-T2, on the way home I tested it out in the cold. Here shooting up against the light and trying to catch the trees and the building in the background. I like how there is life behind some of the windows but not all. I got the Fuji 18mm f2 – a great little one to play around with.
Day 6 – From a party at a friends place I found myself next to a tattoo and a cigarette.
Day 7 – We went fishing… in the freezing cold weather… and with hangovers… yiaks.
Day 8 – Technically it’s day 8… as we’ve past midnight…
Day 9 – The streets of Copenhagen and my local area. Kebab shop with the local people passing on bikes.
Day 10 – Dinner time… didn’t get a picture earlier today. So here is the dinner for tonight…
Day 11 – Getting ready to make dinner using fresh garlic 😉
Day 12 – After a long day at work and late meetings, we went out for a beer.
Day 13 – Christianshavn Canals. My office, Kadaver, is placed just on the right side here. A wonderful area.
Day 14 – I went on a walk in Copenhagen Vesterbro, arranged by “the Voice of the Street” in danish “Gadens Stemmer.” In short it’s a story telling set up, where a former drug addict tells his life story about the drug scene in Copenhagen. He took us through his life journey deep into the drug scene and all the way out again. Near death experience multiple times till now – clean and helping others. Very touching and very dramatic.
Day 15 – is one of the many beautiful views to be find in Copenhagen.
[…] 16 – in the 365 project was an other capture on my way home. Trying to capture the dusk and the neon light. I tried to […]