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Warming Up - SorenBoSteendahl

Warming Up

While preparing myself for traveling to New York City, I came across this photo. The Photo captures the view I had from where I lived in Århus. This specific view I miss! I think it gives a special feeling when the view is endless… only the horizon is the limit. MANY hours has been spend just staring and thinking…. I am looking forward to capture the view in New York.

I am about to leave for my Internship as a senior at the Kaospilot together with my colleague and good friend Carl Johannes Borris. We will be working for a Company named Export-company started by Startup-company. Our task will concern research and understanding of Guerrilla Marketing and that should lead us to a Concept developing stage, where we can start looking at ways of dealing with alternative marketing.
luckily we have been hooked up with a friend of a friend where we can stay the first couple of days. From there on we will see what happens, and hopefully we find a flat to settle in, we are mainly looking at Brooklyn. I have used CouchSurfing a lot when traveling before, and from looking at the CS – NYC community online it seems as this trip will be a blast!
By now i am recharging my batteries for the trip, and getting ready for a smashing night out in Copenhagen!

I came by this photo today on a webpage named http://osocio.org/
the text written below said:
// “The visual above is from a few years ago and for me is says it all. Helping the poor with food, money and housing is extremely important, but change is even more important.
The campaign was made for Columbus Coalition for the Homeless (USA). Their mission is to work toward ending homelessness by educating the Central Ohio Community about homeless issues and advocating in a unified voice for social and economic justice for all people, especially those who are most vulnerable.
The campaign is made by Little Jacket Visual Communication.” // — quote ended —

check out the different websites for more inspiration, there is a lot of gooooood stuff there!

:::::::::::: MoRe wiLL cOMe :::::::::::::::

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